A denture, usually referred to as a complete denture, is an oral appliance that supports the cheeks and lips in addition to replacing missing teeth.
A conventional denture is created after the gums have healed and all of the teeth have been extracted.
An instantaneous denture is made and implanted after the teeth are removed and the tissues beneath the denture have healed.
Acrylic, which typically has a flesh hue, covers the pallet (roof of the mouth).
A lower denture is shaped like a horseshoe to fit the tongue. The teeth are made of plastic, porcelain, or a combination of the two. Endodontically treated teeth can be covered by dentures, and a complete denture can be connected to dental implants for an even more secure fit.
In order to maintain good jaw alignment, dentures will eventually wear out and will need to be replaced or relined. The alignment will gradually vary when the bone and gum ridges regress or weaken as a result of tooth extraction. Even if you wear dentures, you should still get regular dental exams to look for illness or changes in your oral tissues.