Specialist for Wisdom Teeth in Las Vegas, Nevada

By the time they turn 18, the average adult has 32 teeth—16 on top and 16 on the bottom. Each tooth in the mouth has a unique name and purpose. To grasp and chew food into smaller bits, use the incisors, canines, and bicuspid teeth in the front of the mouth. Food is crushed up until it can be swallowed with the help of the back teeth (molar teeth). Only 28 teeth can typically be accommodated in a mouth. It can hurt when 32 teeth try to cram into a mouth with just 28 teeth. The four remaining teeth are your third molars, also referred to as "wisdom teeth."

Why Do I Need to Remove My Wisdom Teeth?

The final teeth that erupt from the mouth are the wisdom teeth. If the gum tissue is healthy and the wisdom teeth are precisely aligned, surgery is not necessary to remove them. This is regrettably not always the case. Wisdom teeth need to be pulled when they are unable to emerge properly inside the mouth. They may develop in an uneven pattern, partially protrude from the gum, or remain buried beneath the gum and bone. Impacted teeth can occupy a range of places in the bone as they look for a path that will allow them to emerge appropriately. A number of problems can arise from impacted teeth that are poorly positioned. When teeth are only partially erupted, there is a hole surrounding them that allows germs to grow and eventually lead to an infection. The final outcome is swelling, stiffness, discomfort, and illness. Wisdom teeth can put pressure on neighboring teeth, which might affect orthodontic or natural tooth alignment. The most dangerous condition develops when tumors or cysts surround wisdom teeth that are impacted, destroying the jawbone and healthy teeth in the process. The damaged teeth are typically extracted to address these problems. Early removal is advised to prevent issues down the road and lower surgical risk.

Oral Examination

With an oral examination and mouth x-rays, Dr. Michael Sherman and Silver Mountain Dental can assess the position of the wisdom teeth and predict whether there are any present or future issues. Studies show that early diagnosis and treatment improve patient outcomes. In the middle of a patient's adolescence, their dentist, orthodontist, or oral and maxillofacial surgeon will often provide their initial evaluation. All outpatient procedures are performed under a proper anesthetic to increase patient comfort. Patients can choose from a range of anesthetic alternatives because Dr. Michael Sherman and Silver Mountain Dental have the knowledge, credentials, and experience to do so.


Typically, either a local or general anesthetic is used to remove wisdom teeth. These options will be discussed with you prior to the procedure, along with the surgical risks (sensory nerve damage, sinus issues). After the teeth are extracted, the gum is sutured. To assist stop bleeding, bite down on the gauze in your mouth. Until you are ready to be taken home, you will relax at the office under our supervision. In addition to antibiotics and postoperative instructions, your postoperative package will also include a prescription for pain relievers and a one-week appointment for suture removal after discharge. If you have any inquiries, call us at (702) 307-2273. Our services are provided in a secure environment with cutting-edge monitoring technology and anesthesiologists on staff.

Impacted Wisdom Teeth

What are Wisdom Teeth?

Third molars are a common name for wisdom teeth. They are the last teeth to erupt and are located at the back of your mouth, behind your second molars. Their development is often finished between the middle of adolescence and the early 20s, a time that is frequently connected to the beginning of adulthood and wisdom.

What Is An Impacted Tooth?

Even though the majority of adults have 32 permanent teeth, the four wisdom teeth frequently cannot erupt due to the size of the jaws. Impacted teeth are ones that can't erupt because there isn't enough room. They cannot erupt into the proper chewing and cleaning position as a result.

Types Of Impactions

To determine whether wisdom teeth extraction is the best option for you, we'll need to meet with you for a consultation. To determine whether your wisdom teeth are impacted, whether there is enough room for them to erupt, and how challenging it will be to remove them, a panoramic x-ray of your mouth and jaws will be obtained.

  • Soft Tissue Impaction: There isn't enough area for the gum tissue to retract enough to clean the tooth properly.
  • Partial Bony Impaction:The wisdom teeth might partially emerge since there is enough room. However, the tooth cannot function correctly throughout the chewing process, causing difficulties such as cleaning.
  • Complete Bony Impaction: The tooth cannot emerge because there is no room. It is either lodged in the jaw bone or requires difficult surgical treatments to remove if even partially exposed. The impacted wisdom tooth may also be in an awkward location that makes removal difficult. This condition can also occur when the jaw bone's shape or size, as well as other face characteristics, make tooth removal more difficult.

Wisdom Teeth Removal

Oral Examination

With the use of an oral examination and dental x-rays, Dr. Michael Sherman and Silver Mountain Dental can evaluate the positioning of the wisdom teeth and identify any present or potential future issues. Studies show that early diagnosis and treatment improve patient outcomes. In the middle of a patient's adolescence, their dentist, orthodontist, or oral and maxillofacial surgeon will often provide their initial evaluation.

All outpatient procedures are performed under a proper anesthetic to increase patient comfort. Our doctors have training, certification, and expertise in delivering a range of anesthetics.

Why Do I Need to Remove My Wisdom Teeth?

If your mouth's third molars are not given enough room to grow properly, a variety of problems could occur. Impacted wisdom teeth should be removed before the root structure has fully developed. While some individuals may not receive a diagnosis until they are 12 or 13, others may not receive one until they are in their early 30s. Problems seem to crop up more frequently after the age of 30. Some potential repercussions of not having your wisdom teeth removed include the following:


The most frequent clinical condition we encounter is pericoronitis (a localized gum infection). If there isn't enough space for the wisdom tooth to fully emerge, the gum tissue around it may get irritated and infected, which can cause ongoing discomfort, swelling, and problems eating and swallowing.

Cyst Formation:

Impacted wisdom teeth can result in non-infectious conditions in addition to viral illnesses. Due to impacted teeth, cysts, which are fluid-filled "balloons," develop inside the jaw bone. As they grow, they kill nearby jaw bones and teeth. Throughout your teenage years, if your wisdom teeth are not removed, they may become very difficult to treat. Although it's not common, tumors have been associated to delays in wisdom teeth removal.

Possible Crowding:

Crowding of the teeth can result from impacted wisdom teeth. This is most common in patients who have had braces and is notably noticeable on the front teeth, especially the lower front teeth. There are many reasons why teeth crowd after braces or in early adulthood. Retained and impacted wisdom teeth may be a significant cause. Unless you have a current issue when you visit the dentist, the main goal of removal is to prevent long-term damage to your teeth, gums, and jaw bone.

Damage to Adjacent Teeth:

The teeth in front of it, the second molar, may develop gum disease, bone loss around the tooth, and/or decay if there isn't enough room to clean around the wisdom tooth.


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