Emergency Dentistry


Highly Recommended Emergency Dentist in Las Vegas, Nevada

Please call us right away if you or a family member has a dental emergency at (702) 307-2273.

At Silver Mountain Dental, we'll handle your dental emergency as soon as we can. If you are not one of our regular patients, we will do everything we can to accommodate you. We will make every effort to visit you the day after you call. The most important thing you can do is call the dentist if you have a knocked-out tooth, a severe toothache, or something stuck in your teeth.

Knocked-Out Tooth

If your tooth is knocked out, hold the tooth by the crown and gently clean the root (top). With caution, remove any attached tissue fragments. Keep the tooth in its socket and replace it if you can. If you are unable to, place the tooth in milk and call Silver Mountain Dental right away!


Avoid putting aspirin or other painkillers directly on your gums if you have a toothache since they could burn the tissue. It's crucial to get in touch with Silver Mountain Dental right away because most toothaches are a sign of a root canal infection.

Objects Caught Between Teeth

Use dental floss to delicately remove anything that becomes wedged in between your teeth. There is no other way to get it out! If using dental floss to remove the object doesn't work, call Silver Mountain Dental.

The American Dental Association's website provides advice on how to handle these and other dental emergencies.

Patients in Las Vegas, Nevada who are experiencing dental emergencies can get help from Silver Mountain Dental. Call us right away at (702) 307-2273!

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